Over the years, we have witnessed many an award ceremony. From the ultimate Oscars to our very own Filmfare awards, movies were what began the awards tradition. Today though, you can have an award ceremony for literally any field and any branch within it. Why, we even have video game award ceremonies!
Entertainment at its best
Yes, video games have upstaged many popular forms of entertainment and are a major source of recreation as well as education for many youngsters all over the world. There are many controversies surrounding the impact that video games have on the minds of youngsters, yet, by a long measure if used in an appropriate manner, video games are fun as well as educational.
Award ceremonies and trophies
And the fact that video games have come a long way since their inception is justified by the knowledge that you even have award ceremonies for the best video games of the year. There are award categories based on the best technical features or the best graphic design used in a particular video game and now there are even exclusive categories that appreciate some of the more well-written video game story. The two most well-known video game stories that have been awarded in the past are:
- Bioshock: Falling under the genre of horror, Bioshock captivated the gaming audience with its storyline. It is a one-person shooter game where the player assumes the role of a plane crash survivor and needs to fight his way through mutated beings and other horrors living deep within the underwater world where he has landed. Among video games, Bioshock created a revolution and went onto launch its sequel – Bioshock 2, too.
- Beyond Good and Evil: With quite an unconventionally long name among video games, Beyond Good and Evil may not have been a commercial success but bagged the best storyline idea for its very quality of being unconventional. The game was based in the future, in 2435, on a mining planet and you play the role of a journalist and guide his life.
As one can see from these awards and their categories, video games aren’t just about guns and wars. One can get as diverse as possible within this realm too and the awards are all for you to bag.